Most digital thermometers are in celsius. It is good practice to have a digital thermometer in your canine first aid kit for whenever you need to check a rectal temperature. Temperature Abnormalities can be: PYREXIA: caused by infections such as infected wounds. HYPERTHERMIA: caused by Hypovolemic Shock. DIPHASIC: caused by Distemper and other neurological conditions. If your dog's temperature is not normal call your vet. Normal temperature for a dog is 38.3 C to 38.7 C.
Taking a pulse rate – Feel how many pulses you can feel in 15 seconds, times by 4 - this gives you the minute rate. The best place to take a pulse rate from is the Femoral Artery located on the inside of either back leg midthigh region or the heart beat itself located behind the elbow. Pulse Abnormalities can be: raised, lowered, weak or irregular. All require veterinary attention.
Respiration is the normal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and body tissues.
Normal respiration for a dog is 10 to 30 breaths a minute
Abnormal Breathing rates:
Any discoloration of the mucous membranes (gums) can be a lack of oxygen, blood flow, or dehydration. Always seek Veterinary advice if you notice this with your dogs gums.
The gums can also feel “tacky”, meaning they are dry and sticky, where they should be moist like the inside of your mouth. This, along with discoloration, can indicate an emergency. Take the time to check your dog’s gums frequently. Knowing what they look like on a regular basis. Normal capillary refill time for a dog is 1 to 2 seconds.
Mucous membrane abnormalities: Pale gums caused by anaemia or internal bleeding, Cyanosis caused by lack of oxygen or Jaundice caused by liver issues.