Origin Of Turmeric

January 22, 2024

Turmeric is often hailed as a super ingredient - with its natural golden colour, it has benefitted human health for thousands of years. More recently, the benefits of this ingredient have been identified for dogs. However, not all sources of Turmeric are as beneficial as others, and in its natural state, your dog will struggle to get any benefit from it, as it has low bioavailability. That’s why you will see ingredients such as Flax, Black Pepper, Yucca and Apple Cider Vinegar added to good Turmeric supplements, to increase the beneficial absorption for your dog.

The Golden Paste Company works with a family run supplier in East Java, Indonesia to source Turmeric from local farmers. The Turmeric is grown in completely natural conditions with no pesticides, chemicals or fertilisers. You will not find Turmeric with higher potency than that grown in this region; they even sell the high strength, organic product to India.

The sustainable process of growing Turmeric starts with a baby finger (small part of the turmeric rhizome) which is planted just before rainy season. This baby finger is ready to harvest seven months later but can remain underground for up to two years or longer. The longer it is under the ground the more fingers that are grown.

Once the Turmeric has been harvested from the ground, it is washed, cut and grated and then placed onto large trays on the ground ready for three to four days of sun drying. After it has been sundried it is sent to the factory for testing and processing. This unique factory is the only one of its kind in Indonesia and has the highest quality machines, processes and testing equipment.

To find out more about Turmeric supplements from The Golden Paste Company, visit www.goldenpastecompany.co.uk.



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