The solution to keeping your dog safe and comfortable when travelling
A new survey has revealed that almost 60% of pet owners drive with their dogs unsecured. And, most concerning, nearly 1 in 10 (9%) have travelled in the most dangerous way possible, with the dog sitting on their lap. As leading vets highlight the injuries dogs can face, some of which are fatal, Tavo is raising awareness of the dangers dog owners are exposing themselves and their much-loved pets to.
Alongside the safety issues, drivers are liable to a fine if they fail to suitably restrain an animal in a vehicle – with the Highway Code suggesting a seat belt harness, pet carrier, dog cage or dog guard as ways of restraining.
However, only 1 in 5 dog owners believe that they have a complete understanding of the Highway Code rule and 13% say they don’t understand it at all.
Tavo, the business behind the research, provides the safest way for dogs to travel in cars, with the pet secured inside a crash-tested car seat carrier that is attached to the car using the isofix fittings, similar to child car seats. The Tavo Maeve™ Pet Protection System is the ultimate protection for your dog when travelling.
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