Our magazine is a great addition to the products you offer your customer in your pet store or groomers. The minimum order each month is 5 copies at £1.50 each including post to your store
How it Works
A week before our new issue is published we will get in touch to ask you how many magazines you would like us to send. You then pay for the magazines we are sending out at £1.50 each, we do not charge for post. As soon as the issue arrives in our office, usually 4 days before the official publication date, we will post your order out to you.
To register to become a stockist complete your details in the form and we will get in touch. Alternatively you can call us on 01383 852742
Thank you
The Edition Dog Team
Edition Dog Magazine has been dedicated to dog health, wellbeing, behaviour& nutrition since 2018. We are more than a print and digital title with a community across the UK of passionate followers. As part of our brand we have the UK's only dog health and well-being event, Edition Dog Live.