Animal and Human Chiropractor in Bristol
Bristol Chiropractic Clinic and The Animal Chiropractor Bristol
I completed my Undergraduate Masters of Chiropractic for humans at the world renowned AECC University College and set up a practice in Bristol in 2011. The clinic is successful and busy and we have an excellent reputation for taking good care of our patients, yet I always felt something was missing. I grew up around animals but had been unable to be around them as I was studying and then I was working too much to be able to have any at home. Eventually I had time to get doggies and decided to train to be able to treat animals too. I chose to train with the wonderful International Association of Veterinary Chiropractic (IAVC) and it was the best and most enjoyable course I have ever participated in.
Once I finished the course I was unsure how I was going to intergrate the work with my current busy schedule, however the next year the pandemic hit and I realised that treating animals was something that is extremely important to me, so I had to make changes to create some balance in my work. Since then I have embraced treating animals and have been lucky enough to work with dogs, cats, horses and other animals! Its my dream to also be able to work with whatever animal I get the opportunity to.
Additionally this year I have begun training with the Animal Osteopathy International in canine and equine osteopathy and Tallgrass equine and canine acupressure.
I love working with animal caregivers that are passionate about giving their pet the most natural and fulfilled life. The ideal client goes out of their way to understand the needs of their animal as a sentient being including healthy diet, natural lifestyle and the least invasive natural healthcare.
My goal is to spread the word of the complementary care for animals so that they have the opportunity for choices that support a healthy lifestyle and creates options other than more invasive or pharmaceutical based care. I believe these have their place but preventative or intermediate care could reduce the need for this and solve complaints before they escalate.