Issue 57


Product Description

Welcome to issue 57. Inside we look at how stress affects your dog’s digestive system, share why we will never condone the use of e-collars, and ask to throw or not to throw. Plus so much more.


Can stress affect my dog’s digestive system?
E-Collars – a necessary evil?                   
Finding suitable care for your furry family          
The Aftermath of Pet Loss            
To throw or not to throw, that is NOT the question.      
Understanding your dog’s skin  
Edition Dog Live
Surviving the summer holidays    
Keeping dogs safe this summer  
The proof is in the Collar-Gen      
A DOG’S LIFE podcast   
Exploring CCL                     
Chew on this: the latest news from the dog world.
First Aid Pull Out: Vestibular Syndrome
Breed Focus: Yorkshire Terrier    
Pooch Products
Plus more

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